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10× viac produktov za najlepšie ceny

John Grisham

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John Grisham: Soudcův seznam John Grisham: PER | Level 4: The Client
John Grisham: Soudcův seznam

Tento produkt je v češtině. Nejpřekvapivější a nejmrazivější thriller Johna Grishama! Vyšetřovatelka Lacy Stoltzová se setkává s tajemnou ženou, která je tak vyděšená, že používá několik pseudonymů.

môžete mať 19.07 - 22.07

John Grisham: PER | Level 4: The Client John Grisham: PER | Level 4: The Client
John Grisham: PER | Level 4: The Client

Contemporary / British EnglishMark Sway is eleven and he knows a terrible secret. He knows where a body is hidden. Some secrets are so dangerous that its better not to tell. But its just as dangerous if you dont. So Mark needs help fast… because there isnt much time.

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07

John Grisham: Píšťalka John Grisham: PER | Level 4: The Client
John Grisham: Píšťalka

Tento produkt je v češtině. Nejnovější román Johna Grishama – včetně připojené bonusové povídky Svědek procesu – přináší další strhující příběh, který potvrzuje výjimečné a neotřesitelné postavení tohoto autora v žánru právnických thrillerů.

Momentálne nedostupné

John Grisham: Odvolání John Grisham: Camino Ghosts: The new thrilling novel from Sunday Times bestseller John Grisham
John Grisham: Odvolání

Tento produkt je v češtině. Mississippský soud vynese šokující rozsudek v neprospěch chemické společnosti, obviněné ze skladování toxického odpadu s následkem desítek rakovinných onemocnění v nedalekém městečku.

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07

John Grisham: Amatéři John Grisham: Camino Ghosts: The new thrilling novel from Sunday Times bestseller John Grisham
John Grisham: Amatéři

Tento produkt je v češtině. Právnické firmě Finley & Figg na chicagském předměstí se nedaří zrovna nejlíp. Má bídnou a pochybnou klientelu a její stárnoucí majitelé zoufale vyhlížejí ten jeden „velký případ“, na němž zbohatnou, aby mohli odejít do penze.

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07

John Grisham: Camino Ghosts: The new thrilling novel from Sunday Times bestseller John Grisham John Grisham: Camino Ghosts: The new thrilling novel from Sunday Times bestseller John Grisham
John Grisham: Camino Ghosts: The new thrilling novel from Sunday Times bestseller John Grisham

In this new thriller set on Camino Island, popular bookseller Bruce Cable tells Mercer Mann an irresistible tale that might be her next novel. A giant resort developer is using its political muscle and deep pockets to claim ownership of a deserted island between Florida and Georgia.

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07

John Grisham: Čas odpouštět John Grisham: Čas odpouštět - audioknihovna
John Grisham: Čas odpouštět

Tento produkt je v češtině. Právník Jake Brigance přijme obhajobu Drewa Gamblea, mladíka obviněného z vraždy policisty. Ostře sledovaný soudní proces rozděluje zdejší obyvatele – mnozí chtějí rychlý soud a trest smrti, ale Jake to vidí jinak.

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07

John Grisham: Čas odpouštět - audioknihovna John Grisham: Čas odpouštět - audioknihovna
John Grisham: Čas odpouštět - audioknihovna

Právník Jake Brigance přijme obhajobu Drewa Gamblea, mladíka obviněného z vraždy policisty. Ostře sledovaný soudní proces rozděluje zdejší obyvatele – mnozí chtějí rychlý soud a trest smrti, ale Jake to vidí jinak.

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07

John Grisham: Firma - audioknihovna John Grisham: Čas odpouštět - audioknihovna
John Grisham: Firma - audioknihovna

Memphiská právnická firma Bendini, Lambert a Locke se specializuje na daňovou problematiku – je malá, nenápadná, ale velice úspěšná. Svým zaměstnancům nabízí možnost rychle zbohatnout, ale také si je pečlivě vybírá.

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07

John Grisham: PER | Level 5: The Firm John Grisham: PER | Level 5: The Brethren
John Grisham: PER | Level 5: The Firm

Contemporary / British EnglishMitch McDeere is young, intelligent and ambitious. When he gets a job with the law firm of Bendini, Lambert &amp

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07

John Grisham: PER | Level 5: The Partner John Grisham: PER | Level 5: The Brethren
John Grisham: PER | Level 5: The Partner

Contemporary / American EnglishPatrick Lanigan, a lawyer, dies in a car crash. Later, the partners in his law firm discover that Patrick is not really dead. He is living in Brazil, and he has 90 million dollars of his partners’ money…

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07

John Grisham: PER | Level 5: The Brethren John Grisham: PER | Level 5: The Brethren
John Grisham: PER | Level 5: The Brethren

Contemporary / American EnglishThree former judges are in prison. They call themselves the Brethren and organize a pen-pal scam. The money is pouring in. But then the Brethren contact the wrong pen-pal — a powerful man with dangerous friends.

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07

John Grisham: PER | Level 5: The Brethren Bk/MP3 Pack John Grisham: PER | Level 5: The Brethren Bk/MP3 Pack
John Grisham: PER | Level 5: The Brethren Bk/MP3 Pack

Contemporary / American EnglishThree former judges are in prison. They call themselves the Brethren and organize a pen-pal scam. The money is pouring in. But then the Brethren contact the wrong pen-pal — a powerful man with dangerous friends.

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07

John Grisham: PER | Level 5: The Partner Bk/MP3 Pack John Grisham: PER | Level 5: The Brethren Bk/MP3 Pack
John Grisham: PER | Level 5: The Partner Bk/MP3 Pack

Contemporary / American EnglishPatrick Lanigan, a lawyer, dies in a car crash. Later, the partners in his law firm discover that Patrick is not really dead. He is living in Brazil, and he has 90 million dollars of his partners’ money…

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07

John Grisham: PER | Level 5: A Time to Kill John Grisham: PER | Level 5: The Brethren Bk/MP3 Pack
John Grisham: PER | Level 5: A Time to Kill

Contemporary / American EnglishTen-year-old Tonya Hailey is attacked and raped by two local men. Carl Lee, Tonya’s father, shoots them. Now only his lawyer and friend, Jake Brigance, stands between him and the electric chair. Is there a legal defense for Carl Lee’s actions?

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07

John Grisham: PER | Level 5: A Time to Kill Bk/MP3 Pack John Grisham: PER | Level 5: A Time to Kill Bk/MP3 Pack
John Grisham: PER | Level 5: A Time to Kill Bk/MP3 Pack

Contemporary / American English Ten-year-old Tonya Hailey is attacked and raped by two local men. Carl Lee, Tonya's father, shoots them. Now only his lawyer and friend, Jake Brigance, stands between him and the electric chair. Is there a legal defense for Carl Lee's actions?

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07

John Grisham: PER | Level 6: The Chamber John Grisham: PER | Level 5: A Time to Kill Bk/MP3 Pack
John Grisham: PER | Level 6: The Chamber

Contemporary / American EnglishThe horror of death row is that you die a little each day. The waiting kills you.Seventy-year-old Sam Cayhall is on Mississippi’s death row. Sam hates lawyers but his date with the gas chamber is close, and time is running out.

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07

John Grisham: PER | Level 6: The Chamber Bk/MP3 Pack John Grisham: PER | Level 5: A Time to Kill Bk/MP3 Pack
John Grisham: PER | Level 6: The Chamber Bk/MP3 Pack

Contemporary / American EnglishThe horror of death row is that you die a little each day. The waiting kills you.Seventy-year-old Sam Cayhall is on Mississippi’s death row. Sam hates lawyers but his date with the gas chamber is close, and time is running out.

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07

John Grisham: PER | Level 6: The Runaway Jury John Grisham: PER | Level 6: The King of Torts
John Grisham: PER | Level 6: The Runaway Jury

Contemporary / American English Pynex, a tobacco company, could lose hundreds of millions of dollars in a big court case. The jury is being watched. One of the jurors is working with a mysterious woman outside the court. Both sides will do anything to win.

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07

John Grisham: PER | Level 6: The King of Torts John Grisham: PER | Level 6: The King of Torts
John Grisham: PER | Level 6: The King of Torts

Clay Carter has worked in the Office of the Public Defender for years for low pay when he defends another murderer. But things are not what they seem. This is his opportunity to make money and a reputation, as he battles with large pharmaceutical companies. Will he become the King of Torts?

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07

John Grisham: Podfuk John Grisham: PER | Level 6: The King of Torts
John Grisham: Podfuk

Tento produkt je v češtině. Malcolm Bannister byl právníkem kdesi ve Virginii. Jeho život ovšem změnila běžná realitní transakce, v rámci které pomáhal s nákupem loveckého zámečku.

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07

John Grisham: The Boys from Biloxi: Two families. One courtroom showdown John Grisham: The Boys from Biloxi: Two families. One courtroom showdown
John Grisham: The Boys from Biloxi: Two families. One courtroom showdown

Sunday Times No 1 bestseller John Grisham returns to Mississippi in his most gripping thriller yet.'As ever with Grisham there are corkscrew twists and turns as he ratchets up the suspense. It is exceptional story-telling, which leaves the reader begging for the novel never to end.

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07

John Grisham: The Exchange: After The Firm John Grisham: The Boys from Biloxi: Two families. One courtroom showdown
John Grisham: The Exchange: After The Firm

THE GRISHAM YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FORWhat became of Mitch and Abby McDeere after they exposed the crimes of Memphis law firm Bendini, Lambert and Locke and fled the country?The answer is in THE EXCHANGE, the riveting sequel to THE FIRM.

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07

John Grisham: The Judge´s List John Grisham: The Boys from Biloxi: Two families. One courtroom showdown
John Grisham: The Judge´s List

'Besides the usual Grisham virtues of an arresting idea, polished plotting and vivid social snapshots.

môžete mať 24.07 - 26.07