10× viac produktov za najlepšie ceny
10× viac produktov za najlepšie ceny
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Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Clamp Mount - K1055W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Clamp Mount - K1055W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Clamp Mount - K1055W

Clamping for cars that do not have any specific pre-preparation on the roof for the roof rack and requires a standard clamp with rubber pad.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Clamp Mount - K381W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Clamp Mount - K1055W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Clamp Mount - K381W

Clamping for cars that do not have any specific pre-preparation on the roof for the roof rack and requires a standard clamp with rubber pad.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Clamp Mount - K1070W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Clamp Mount - K1055W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Clamp Mount - K1070W

Clamping for cars that do not have any specific pre-preparation on the roof for the roof rack and requires a standard clamp with rubber pad.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Clamp Mount - K715W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Clamp Mount - K1079W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Clamp Mount - K715W

Clamping for cars that do not have any specific pre-preparation on the roof for the roof rack and requires a standard clamp with rubber pad.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Clamp Mount - K1079W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Clamp Mount - K1079W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Clamp Mount - K1079W

Clamping for cars that do not have any specific pre-preparation on the roof for the roof rack and requires a standard clamp with rubber pad.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Clamp Mount - K1082W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Clamp Mount - K1079W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Clamp Mount - K1082W

Clamping for cars that do not have any specific pre-preparation on the roof for the roof rack and requires a standard clamp with rubber pad.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Clamp Mount - K1096W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K466W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Clamp Mount - K1096W

Clamping for cars that do not have any specific pre-preparation on the roof for the roof rack and requires a standard clamp with rubber pad.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K466W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K466W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K466W

Fixed mounting. In this case, we have vehicle specific mounting positions designed by car manufacturers. Fastening to the roof of the vehicle with screws and bolts.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K534W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K466W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K534W

Fixed mounting. In this case, we have vehicle specific mounting positions designed by car manufacturers. Fastening to the roof of the vehicle with screws and bolts.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K934W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K934W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K934W

Fixed mounting. In this case, we have vehicle specific mounting positions designed by car manufacturers. Fastening to the roof of the vehicle with screws and bolts.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K909W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K934W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K909W

Fixed mounting. In this case, we have vehicle specific mounting positions designed by car manufacturers. Fastening to the roof of the vehicle with screws and bolts.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K618W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K934W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K618W

Fixed mounting. In this case, we have vehicle specific mounting positions designed by car manufacturers. Fastening to the roof of the vehicle with screws and bolts.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Clamp Mount - K1045W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Clamp Mount - K1045W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Clamp Mount - K1045W

Fixed mounting. In this case, we have vehicle specific mounting positions designed by car manufacturers. Fastening to the roof of the vehicle with screws and bolts.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Clamp Mount - K1030W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Clamp Mount - K1045W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Clamp Mount - K1030W

Fixed mounting. In this case, we have vehicle specific mounting positions designed by car manufacturers. Fastening to the roof of the vehicle with screws and bolts.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K441W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Clamp Mount - K1045W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K441W

Fixed mounting. In this case, we have vehicle specific mounting positions designed by car manufacturers. Fastening to the roof of the vehicle with screws and bolts.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K748W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Clamp Mount - K1053W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K748W

Fixed mounting. In this case, we have vehicle specific mounting positions designed by car manufacturers. Fastening to the roof of the vehicle with screws and bolts.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Clamp Mount - K1053W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Clamp Mount - K1053W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Clamp Mount - K1053W

Fixed mounting. In this case, we have vehicle specific mounting positions designed by car manufacturers. Fastening to the roof of the vehicle with screws and bolts.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K340W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Clamp Mount - K1053W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K340W

Fixed mounting. In this case, we have vehicle specific mounting positions designed by car manufacturers. Fastening to the roof of the vehicle with screws and bolts.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K1004W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K1004W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K1004W

Fixed mounting. In this case, we have vehicle specific mounting positions designed by car manufacturers. Fastening to the roof of the vehicle with screws and bolts.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Flush Rail Mount - K810W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K1004W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Flush Rail Mount - K810W

Type of fastening for newer types of vehicles, or those that have from the production on the roof rail for fastening roof racks.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Flush Rail Mount - K508W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Fixed Point Mount - K1004W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Flush Rail Mount - K508W

Type of fastening for newer types of vehicles, or those that have from the production on the roof rail for fastening roof racks.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Flush Rail Mount - K893W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Flush Rail Mount - K893W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Flush Rail Mount - K893W

Type of fastening for newer types of vehicles, or those that have from the production on the roof rail for fastening roof racks.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Flush Rail Mount - K903W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Flush Rail Mount - K893W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Flush Rail Mount - K903W

Type of fastening for newer types of vehicles, or those that have from the production on the roof rail for fastening roof racks.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Flush Rail Mount - K543W Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Flush Rail Mount - K893W
Whispbar Whispbar montážna sada - Flush Rail Mount - K543W

Type of fastening for newer types of vehicles, or those that have from the production on the roof rail for fastening roof racks.

môžete mať 15.07

Partner: 4CARS

Značka Whispbar je na trhu už niekoľko desiatok rokov a kvalitou svojich nosičov uspokojuje potreby aj tých najnáročnejších zákazníkov. Strešné nosiče s technológiou redukcie hluku Whispbar sú v tvare krídla, čím je znížený aerodynamický odpor na minimum a to znamená pri jazde takmer úplnú nehlučnosť nosičov pri akejkoľvek rýchlosti auta. Porovnávacie testy vo veternom tuneli preukázali hlučnosť nižšiu až o 70%(!) oproti iným nosičom.

Okrem tvaru nosiča má podiel na odstránení hlučnosti aj zakrytie T-drážky z jej vnútornej strany. Whispbar má patentovanú aj techológiu upevňovania ,,T drážky v nosiči, kde nie je potrebné ju celú vybrať, no k montáži postačí iba jej vysunutie. Drážka tak zostáva zakrytá celý čas a po celej dĺžke bez ohľadu na to, či na nosičoch máte namontované nejaké príslušenstvo alebo nie. Zaručene taktiež kryciu gumu nestratíte ani nezabudnete. Jazda s odkrytou drážkou totiž spôsobuje nepríjemné pískanie.

Nosiče s presahom majú dlhšie tyče, preto poskytujú väčšiu prepravnú kapacitu a väčší priestor, na ktorý je možné uchytiť náklad alebo nadstavbové nosiče. Taktiež pätky nosiča sú z vrchnej strany odkryté, čo umožňuje využiť aj tento priestor pre prepravu.

Výhodou nosičov zn. Whispbar je, že ak zákazník v budúcnosti mení typ vozidla nosiče si môže odmontovať a použiť ich aj na iný typ vozidla, stačí si vybrať iný montažny kit podľa druhu upevnenia na streche vozidla.